Friday 27 January 2017

Getting The Best Out Of & Over Rejection

Rejection sucks. It’s never fun being rejected.

         “Please sing a song,” 
I sang, …   
“Thank you for coming.” 
A three line conversation, was my experience when I went to audition for a music show. 
I have faced rejection many times in my life. So much so, that I can recall each and every one of them. 

Rejection brings me down, Rejection lowers my self-esteem, I lose my confidence- A rejected person. 

Nevertheless, I have realised that rejection is a boon. Those who face rejection have a stronger sense of confidence and desensitized feeling towards future rejections. I feel so, I consider rejection as a close friend, who helps me move towards more opportunities than I would have moved towards if I had not faced a single rejection.  
In a TED talk I recently saw, I heard Jia Jiang talk about a 100 day rejection therapy process (I will mention the link to the site at the end). He talked about how, for 100 days he went out seeking rejections in different places for different things from different people. He said that this training helped desensitize him towards the feeling of being rejected, he made his body numb to the fear of rejection.   
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There are inspirational talks and psychological articles out on the internet, but there isn’t a way to get over the feeling of rejection or of using rejection in a very positive way (if there is, please link it down). 
This may be just the thing you’ve been searching for, if you have not found anything yet. 
We both (Jia Jiang and I) have come to a similar conclusion with how to overcome/ use rejection to be a better and stronger person. 
It is hard, but it is true. The thing with rejection is that, the more you run away from it, the more you will find it and you’ll be more afraid of it. 
Because what you learn from facing rejection is gold. 

Rejection is a part of life you need to accept. 

And the only way to fight it, is to find it and face it head on. 

                                   .           .         .

There are different stages of facing rejection. The first is when you run away the moment you feel that rejection is coming your way. Then the next time you get stronger and you stand your ground. Then you learn things, you learn why you were rejected, what you could have done to turn the no into a yes, what you can say to get a yes next time, and the list goes on. 
When you face rejection, you are also given the opportunity to question that person. That person then gives you an answer which will blow your mind. 
The three line conversation that I started with was not the complete conversation, it goes on like this. 
“Thank you, if you don’t mind me asking. What could I have done to have gotten a Yes?” I went on to ask. 
“When you raised your pitch, there wasn’t the smoothness we were looking for. Work on that and come in for the next season.” they answered. 
See? That is how I got to know where I was lacking and how I could improve myself. And this is just one situation, in one of the 100 days, Jia went to a Starbucks and asked them if he could be a greeter for them for an hour. The manager did not give him a good look, then Jia said “is it weird?” and the manager answered “yes it is.”
But after a bit of talk the manager let him do it. So, Jia learned that if you put the doubts of the person you’re talking to, in front of him, that person will trust you more and will even give you the approval you want. Because the person will stop seeing you as crazy and will start seeing you as a sensible person. 
These are just two things of many that can be learnt if you are willing to face rejection. 
Even the most influential people faced initial rejection and sometimes even violent rejections.

Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and many others. 
If you face rejection for doing the right thing, you’ll be in the group of one of the most influential people. 
You celebrity! 
Rejection is good, and to overcome it you have to face it. If you don’t face it, you’ll always be under it. And rejection is the best teacher, learn from it. 
Finally to end it, I would like to use a quote I found somewhere with no name on it. 
Don't let rejection define you, let your reaction after rejection define you. 
My other blogs are here, Developing Concentration by Practicing PracticeWhy it is better to not go to the past. 
The site-

Sunday 8 January 2017

Why it is better to not go to the past.

It is a common desire of most people to go back in time, the reasons varying from wanting to change something they did, meeting a loved one they didn’t get time for, or meeting an old idol.

Time travel attaches deep meaning to it, meaning as mentioned, varies. Having thought deeply about it, pondering and reading about it, I have come to understand why it has not been invented and why even it would be invented, we would not use it.
Past is supposed to be Past 
Time has in every decade and century taught us about how we are to improve as human beings. Every mistake we make, every trial and error we face, is part of the next generation that sees from and learns to become a better race.
If Napoleon had gone back in time and changed every mistake he made, we would not have had the example to learn from today. If someone went back in time and killed Hitler when he was massacring the Jews, we would not have the leadership we have now.
Every generation needs examples to learn from, they need to know how to be better humans and how worse things can get if not controlled.

People’s absence teaches

As much as we want to be with a person we knew in the past, we are parted for a purpose. It if taken well, it can help us respect the other relationships we have and also value what we learnt from the one we parted from.

Concluding time

Everything that happens, happens for a reason we know nothing about, but teaches us things we would never know otherwise.
It has always been like that, from the beginning of time and to this day it is still the same. It will still be the same till we die, we are thus required to be in today with complete devotion and not worry about going back.

Monday 2 January 2017

Something you never knew your fingerprint scanner can do! Fingerprint hack or tip!

We have been using smartphones that have become much smarter than us. They do things we as humans cannot do, though we can but it is easier letting the smartphone do it. 

Smartphone is the savior of today.

Ordering food or making a phone call or clicking a good picture, everything can be done without even us touching the phone. That is how wickedly smart these smartphones are, an extension of each individual. 

The funny thing is that we are not able to discover every feature of the smartphone we use. We use a smartphone and act smart using it, but we may not have a single clue what the phone is actually capable of. There are only a select few who dig deep and find each and every little use of a smartphone, and those few at times share it.

I like to think that I am part of the select few. 

When I got my phone, I took two full days and went deep down in my phone, got one on one time with it and found its every secret. 

There were things I found which I have started fancying a lot, it may actually be of use to you, but there is one thing that I believe will get your fancy. 

Fingerprint scanner

What you have been waiting for, is finally here. 

So, you have been using the small pad on your smartphone (android or apple or windows) as a fingerprint scanner. The sad thing is that you may only be using it for your fingers, thumbs and in extreme cases, toes. Nonetheless, it is being used in a normal way, and not to the complete extent. 

You have your hand and fingerprints on your fingers, but that is not the only place you have fingerprints. If you look closely, you'll see your whole palm has prints. This is the next option you have to make your phone more secure

Any Colored Part
FUN! Right? This may not be that handy for everyone, but if you're someone who is used to holding many things in one hand. Having the red dot added to your phone, you don't need to struggle to put your thumb on the scanner will be really helpful. 

If you are looking to hide something on your phone and are looking for a new fingerprint idea, this is for you. If you are someone who has lost a finger or your fingerprint, this is for you too.

Give it a try, you'll thank me for sure.